I type this post with all my nerves hopscotching on hot coals and my soul resting on pillows stuffed to the brim with angel wings. I don’t know the slightest thing about creating a blog but I know the Creator, the Originator, the One who made everything beautiful in its time, who has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
In the beginning, God created man in his own image (Genesis 1:27). Translation: I look like my Daddy! After creating and blessing man (and woman), his first command to them was to create (“Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it;”-Genesis 1:28).
Now me personally, I would’ve been hesitant, looking perplexed like “God, I just met this man. I practically just met myself. Sheesh! I don’t know him from Adam…wait he is Adam, ain’t he? Multiply? Where the calculators at?” All jokes aside, so many of us submit to that hesitancy rather than submitting to our Maker whenever He commands or His Spirit nudges us to do something. Let’s call that hesitancy by its government name: Disobedience. No last name nor nickname required.
Transparent moment: out of fear of failing, not knowing where this blog would lead, I’ve been putting off starting it in the first place rather than trusting God and surrendering to His will and instruction simply to just start. The more I type, the more I rest in His peace for multiple reasons. One, I’m coming into alignment with what my Heavenly Father has mandated for my path rather than allowing the enemy to paralyze me by the unknown. Two, I am doing one of the things I was created to do: create.
One of the gifts that I am eternally grateful to have is the ability to write, not just physically but deeply, emotionally, wholeheartedly, responding to the One that created me and to His creation. People ask how long I’ve been writing and I immediately think to myself “There’s gotta be hieroglyphics personally signed on my mother’s womb”. I feel like the very moment God thought of me, the pen cap popped off right then and there.
My journey in faith has not been a long one but my history with God’s faithfulness dates back even further than my mama’s prayers. I can’t deny His hand over my life and I’m here to share that journey, hoping it will inspire you to know Him for yourself.
As a woman of faith, I’m reminded of God’s many features through music, people, food, art, and nature. They are inseparable for me. I hear the voice of God in a funky, bone-shaking bassline that makes me want to dance in every corner of the Earth. I taste and see His goodness in every drop of gravy off my mom’s smothered pork chops. I’m reminded all beautiful things must rest when I see His paintbrush sway across the sky in the sunset. His joy washes over me when I’m pulled in by the gummy giggle of a baby.
I am in no way a guru of God. I can’t give you the right concoction to make your edges grow back, sis, but I will encourage you to ditch the man that’s stressing your strands in the first place. I don’t have 35 tips on making your bank account grow overnight. In fact, if you know how, let me know. But I can point you to the well that quenches the deepest thirst of your soul that not even McDonald’s Sprite can satisfy.
I am no expert but I am a walking well of experience. My mistakes have made me look both ways before I cross myself and I have mourned many versions of myself that I cannot get back. Just as God has forgiven me, I'm learning to extend that mercy to myself and the people around me, friends and foes. I was commanded to speak because there are so many who have no clear path to the microphone.
If you have been silenced whether by the world, fear, or yourself, Washed Feet, Clean Soul is the place for you. If the water is right at your neck and you need just a life saver of laughter to make it through the week, Washed Feet, Clean Soul is the comedy club for you. If you think grace wouldn’t dare open its arms to you after falling a million times over, Washed Feet, Clean Soul is the merciful makeover you’ve been waiting for.
Get ready to sing, learn, repent, heal, and slap a knee or two. We’ve got so much catching up to do!
Persistently Polishing,
Madison ‘Mocha’ Hunter